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Showing posts from February, 2022

How to Make a Minecraft Diamond Pickaxe TUTORIAL

How to Make a Minecraft Diamond Pickaxe Maybe you child has his/her heart set on being a Minecraft character for Halloween. Or perhaps you're planning a Minecraft-themed party or only want some props for your kids to play with. Information technology seems like all uncomplicated-aged kids are totally obsessed with Minecraft now, and the price of the appurtenances proves just how popular the game is at present. My kiddo decided he wanted to be Steve for Halloween. The  Minecraft: Steve Cardboard Head (but a cardboard box printed with squares) sells for upwards of $25. I figured out how to brand my own (run into super-easy step-past-footstep instructions here). But what about the sword and pickaxe? My kiddo wanted not just any sword and pickaxe, only the diamond versions. (Something about invincibility? I can't keep up with  all the Mineraft lore.) They sell on Amazon for around

